• 32
  • 375
  • 9.5%

Challenges for local bikers

From 2025 we will be organising one bike challenging and one bikefestival per year. The bike challenge will take place fromThemi View Arusha in June and the bikefestival will take place from Kibo’s Ecoplace in November. Both rides will be about 32 km long.
The target groups are local Tanzanian mountain bikers who want to race, but also those who want to ride for fun in a beautiful and challenging environment. We are particularly keen to encourage women to take part.
The route from Arusha is the same as the half day tour to Nduruma. From Kibo’s Ecoplace it is the route of the bikesafari through the game reserve.
For the first few tours we have limited the number of participants to 100 per tour. Once the organisation is well established, we will open the tours to more participants.
A commemorative medal will be provided.
Entrance fees will be around 35,000 Tsh per person.

Starting in 2030, we want to take on an even bigger challenge: a lap around Kilimanjaro in 2 days for the best cyclists, both local and international participants.

day 1

Themi View Challenge in June

35.000 Tsh

A challenging tour from Njiro to Arusha to Nduruma and back uphill with some technical sections on gravel roads along the way.
  • 32
  • 365
  • 9.3%
day 2

Kibo's Ecoplace Bike festival in November

35.000 Tsh

The bike festival takes you through the beautiful game area of the corridor between Amboseli National Park Kenya and Mt. Kilimanjaro Nation Park. Along the way you are sure to see zebras, gazelles and giraffes. You may also see wildebeest, ostrich, elephant and other game. At the finish there will be food, drinks and music!
  • 32.6 km
  • 194
  • 3.5%

Contact us

  • Tel: +255 713 236 224
  • Tel : +316 820 094 54 (European Agent)

For more information / booking

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